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Irvington Clubs


Irvington High School features around 60 active clubs on campus each year. These clubs range from cultural clubs to service clubs to interest clubs. Take a look through the club directoy to find a club that interests you. Clubs are extra ciricular activities that usually meet during lunch. All Irvington students are welcome to join a club or even create a club. To join a club you simply have to attend the club meetings and participate in club events.

Verification Sheets

Important Updates

Please read the new purcahsing policy below.


Marissa & Ricky - Clubs Commissioner -

Text @coachcommi to (510) 253-0349 for club text updates!


Purchase Pre-Approval
Starting a Club


Club registration for new clubs will be held near the begining of each semester. Clubs that miss the registration window will have to wait until the next opportunity to register.


Step 1: Check the club directory to make sure there is not alread a club similar to the one you want to start.


Step 2: Find a group of at least 10 students, and one certified staff member who is willing to be a club advisor. A club advisor will be responsible for supervising club events and meetings. Please remember the Rule of Three: a staff member may advise no more then 3 clubs and a student may be an excutive member of no more then 3 clubs. 


Step 3: Complete the club application form and turn it into the club box in the Viking Vendor.


Step 4: The clubs commissioner will set up a meeting with your officers during lunch. At the meeting the officer group will present a powerpoint further detailing what your club is all about.


Step 5: The Student Body Council will vote to approve your club as an offical IHS Club.


Step 6: Turn in your club budget to the club box within one week of being approved as an offical IHS Club. 



Master Calendar



This form you fill out for any event your club is sponsoring that is not a regular club meeting. This form gets turned into ASB to be approved. You may not advertise for your event until approved. 


Fundrasing Form



Fill this form out for any club event wher you are collecting club money. This form gets turned in with the money to the school account clerk.


Facilities Use Form



Use this form anytime your club needs to use an Irvington High School Facility. The one exception would be a club meeting in yuor advisors classroom at lunch. The form is turned into the schools facility manager.


Service Learning Form



Fill out this form in addition to the Master Calendar form if you want your event to be approved as a servcie learning event. This form is turned in with the Master Calendar to ASB for approval. 


New ASB Money Spending Policy for Clubs

Unfortunatly we need to change how we spend money as clubs at Irvington High School to meet State Laws. Effective March 23, 2015 before any purchase is made through ASB you must fill out an online purchase pre-approval 


An example: Our clubs is having a pizza party on Friday. Before I can buy pizza, plates, drinks napkins, and other supplies I need to meet with the club decided exactly what I need to buy how many, and from where we will buy it from. I then need to get estimates on how much this will cost. Once I have this information I can then use the link below to fill out the Purchase Pre-Approval. I might even have to fill out multple PA's if I am buying my items from more then one vendor. We have also created a PA status link that you can click to see the status of your PA. Once you see your PA has been approved you can go buy the items and submit your receipts in the same way you have done in the past. I know it is an extra step but we are committed to approving all PA's within one week. 


Starting in September any receipt turned into ASB to be refunded without a PA will be denied and you will receive a thankyou letter for your donation that can be used at tax time for your personal taxes. It is important that if you have parent volunteers that help your club that they understand this new policy.


   View the Progress of my Pre-Approval 

Anchor 1

2010 - present

2010 - present

Club Rules (Updated Oct 2014)


What do I do with incoming money?

As you collect money it is important to use best practices. These best practices include whenever you accept money give a recipt or document on roster who turned in money and how much. You can use a tally sheet to record sales at an event like club rush. When you turn in the money to the school account clerk turn in the documentation with the money. The ammount collected on your documentation must match the amount of money you have turned in. Also remember to turn in a fundraising form when you turn in money.
What are the different types of club events?
Regular Meetings: Are meetings your club has weekly or monthly to cover club businness. These meetings only need a facility request form if you are using a room other then your advisors classroom. Remember to turn in your meeting minuets for points. To turn in minutes, please under Resources> Submit Club Minutes.
 Interest Events: An interest event is any event your club has that is not a normal meeting. This could be tutoring, a movie night, or putting on a concert. These events must have a Event Approval form approved by ASB before you can begin to advertise for your event. You also need a facility form if you are using an Irvington facility.
Fundraiser: A fundraiser is any event where you make money, even if you don't plan to make a profit. In addition to filling out the forms for an interest event you must also fillout a fundraising form and turn that form in with your money and money documentation to the account clerk. 
Service Event: A service event is when your club is planning on giving service hours to members of the club for participating in a community service project. In addition to following the interest event procedure you must also fill out a service form and turn that in with you Master Calendar.
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